Friday 13 May 2016

Of Markets and "The Mousetrap"

Today was another travel day, but not far - we moved from Crawley to the Southwark area of London.  We arrived earlier at the hotel once again so our room was not ready.  The fellow at the front desk suggested  we go to the Borough Market to seek out lunch.  So off we walked about 20- 25 minutes from the hotel to this great market.  It was a busy place with lots of food items from all over Great Britain and Europe.  It is the largest and oldest market in London and there has been a market here for over 1000 years.  There is both a retail market and a wholesale market located here, underneath the train tracks.

On the way here we saw this, the "Shard" building, now the tallest building in London.
 Then there was this building under repair - they do this thing in Europe where they create a mesh wrap the goes around the building, outside the scaffolding and shows you what the building will look like when the repairs are created.  The mesh is not just decorative but services the purpose of being a safety device as it keeps debris and equipment from falling on the sidewalk and roadway below.
Then we arrived at the market - lots of people, lots  of noise, lots of color and smells of food being prepared.

Look at the mushrooms - wish I had a place to cook some up.  All kinds of shapes, sizes and colors
 These were the tiniest mushrooms I had ever seen, about the size of your fingernail
 These were mini button mushrooms about an inch across
 Pink oyster mushrooms, I had never seen them in this color
 Tomatoes of all sizes, shapes and colors
 Root veggies of all sorts

We then made our way home with a few more interesting sightings along the way
I liked the color of these balcony railings
 A great message on this building
 This person knows how to grow Calla lilies - they took up their whole front yard and looked healthy and strong

Then it was on to the whole purpose to come into London this trip.  We are off to see "The Mousetrap"  Agatha Christie's tale of murder at a country manor.  This play is the longest running play in the world, having been presented for 64 years continuously at various theaters in London.  We attended performance number

 A view of the theater interior - no pictures during the performance thought, not allowed.

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