Sunday 15 May 2016

Nous sommes arrivés en France

Well we arrived in France with a bang, or should I say shake-up this morning.  I was shaken awake by Bill at 5 to 8 "saying we are arriving in port".  Whaaaaaaaaat!!*&#%.  No shower or wash up, just a mad scramble to throw everything we/I had out back in the bags and head down stairs, and hope like hades that I had not forgotten anything.  Now any of you who truly know me, know that I am NOT a morning person, no siree, not one little bit, so this was an inauspicious start to the day to say the least.

Next we picked up our wheels for the next week - here she is, a little Peugot Captur

Then came the fun part, trying to find our way out the city and over the river.  A drive that should have probably taken no more than 25 minutes took us well over an hour to achieve.  And that was with the aide of a GPS!!  There tends to always be a miss timing in communication between the voice of the GPS (Moi) and the driver.  Long story short we finally made it over the Pont du Normandy, after about 3 attempts, and arrived in Honfleur.  Then we discovered that there is a navigation system in the car.  Kate the Captur GPS communicator knows exactly when to tell the driver what he is to be looking out for.  How sweet she is to take all that stress off of me.  She even lets us know when we are being a little too lead footed.  I think I like her.  My job now is just to key in the destinations.
Check-In at our new accommodation wasn't until 4 so we toured along the coast for a bit.
Benerville-Sur-Mer - Beaches and houses.
Houses tend to be 3 to 4 stories tall but very narrow in width and depth, they  have fairly steep roofs, are often half timbered and surprising to me, we saw quite a few thatched roof houses

 Then it was time to check into our home for the next week.  We will be staying at a French Club called Pierre and Vacances Normandy Garden.  We have a two bedroom unit, so have some space to move around.  There is also a full kitchen and of course a bathroom.  Here are some pics -

this is our unit on the right

Some of the other units around

the living/dining room

the kitchen
The bathroom - believe it or not there are 3 doors to the bathroom

Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2 being tested out

An interesting tree outside the front door - it looks like a cedar but it is currently covered with all these flower rheams
 The big dark spot in this tree is a ball of mistletoe.  We have seen lots of it in the trees around here

Feeling happy to be settled in for awhile - I don't think I would ever want to do one of those coach tours.

1 comment:

  1. I see I need to lock the bedroom!!!!! The camera Fairy seems to be lurking.
