Tuesday 10 May 2016

New Adventures Await


Well, another adventure is about to begin.  About 6 months ago we learned of some incredible prices for flights to England, so on a leap of faith, without knowing where we would ultimately end up, we booked flights - the details could be worked out later.  After what had been a particularly difficult winter for us, we are finally ready to take on this adventure.

The decision process was lengthy, including such considerations as - where to go - United Kingdom or Europe - the value of the British Pound versus the Euro -  one place or several places - hotels, B&Bs or apartments - how do we travel. 

Decisions made - a combination of all of the above!  This will be a journey to the lands of the ancient Celts.  

We will be landing in London, taking in a live theater presentation, then travelling by train to Portsmouth (regrettably, London is just way too expensive to spend much time in!!) where we will catch an overnight ferry to Le Havre, France.  We will rent a car, spending a week in an apartment in the environs of the Normandy beaches, visiting cities like Caen, Bayeux, possibly Chartres, Mont St Michel and Rouen.  Then we are back on the ferry to Portsmouth.  

Once in Portsmouth we will rent a car and start our journey to the Devon area, visiting Stonehenge, and what ever we may happen upon along the way.  We rent an apartment once again and will spend the week exploring Devon and Cornwall, land of King Arthur, Doc Martin and Poldark.

Next, we are off on a train, travelling cross country from Exeter to Edinburgh.  We will be renting a car again and travelling to a place just north of Edinburgh (think Da Vinci Code, Stirling Castle, Rosslyn Castle, Falkirk Wheel, etc.) hotelling it  this time.  As Edinburgh and Glasgow are only about 50 miles apart, we will be able to visit both cities as well as generally tour the areas around.  When our time is done there we hop a plane to Gatwick for our eventual return home.

Here's a bit of  a pictorial tease about what's to come.

This will be a much more pre-planned/activity-packed itinerary then we normally do, so here's hoping these Arctic Blondes can survive it!!  The most intriguing/interesting/frightening aspect will be driving on the "wrong side" of the road!!!  

Wish us luck!

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