Wednesday 8 June 2016

June 4 - More whining and whinging

June 4
Another travel and transition day, and more interruptions.

Today is our scheduled transition day from Scotland back to Gatwick, readying ourselves for our return trip to Canada.  The flight we were scheduled to leave Edinburgh on at 11:15 was cancelled.  No explanation was given as to why our flight was cancelled.  Others were more inconvienienced than we were though. One family of seven who were heading to Orlando, Florida, were diverted to Dublin.  We are now booked on a 13:45 flight to Heathrow airport and will then have to transfer by train or bus to Gatwick.  13:45 came and went and we were still on the ground.  Finally at 14:45 we left.  Then, at Heathrow we were given a voucher for the bus to take us to Gatwick, then a taxi to the hotel.

I am coming to dislike transition days, but thankful that I did book with some wiggle room built in.

Note to self:  Next vacation go to only one destination and stay there!!!

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